Saturday, April 14, 2012

Clinique SuperBalanced Makeup

A product that's been on the back of my mind since I began my course back in January (it was highly recommended for combination skin), I finally had the opportunity to buy when I used up the last scraping of my beloved Jemma Kidd Light as Air. My only reason to stray from the Jemma Kidd is because I find it a little bit of an inconvenience to purchase in Ireland as it seems to be only available online.

Anywhoooo, the Clinique foundation was finally within my reach. As well as recommendations from my tutors, one of my favourite YouTubers Tanya uses it regularly so that was enough for me. I picked it up in Brown Tomas in the colour 03 Ivory along with their High Impact Curling Mascara (which I detest).

Described on the website as a "liquid foundation with adjustable, oil-free coverage provide moisture and absorbs oil when and wear needed". I thought this would be the ideal foundation for me as my skin changes with the weather (and living in Ireland, it does seem quite moody). It can vary from being dry around my nose and forehead one week, and the next suffer from excess oiliness on my T-Zone. So I thought this would tick all the boxes.

Firstly, the colour is wrong for my skin which, to be fair, is my own fault as I still can't seem to come to terms with how pale I've actually become this year. So I do have to work it more into my skin as well as blending it down my neck. It's never a fast application unless I'm wearing my fake tan. I understand this is an unfair prejudice but this is the kind of fickle being I am unfortunately!

Like with all my foundations, I do tend to set my skin with a translucent powder. This is usually sufficient enough to set my make-up for the day along with the standard top-up after lunch. With this foundation, I find it's not lasting on my skin as well as I would have hoped. By lunchtime, I've been applying more than I usually would after lunch.

With those negatives aside, I do think it could be a great foundation for people with a drier skin type to mine. I would describe it as a good medium coverage foundation and the colour range does seem to hit that neutral ground in tone that I like. I detest the colour range in MAC foundations as I strongly believe, in this country at least, that majority of skin tones here are neither extremely pink nor yellow toned.

If anybody is using a foundation they loooove please let me know, I like to change it up clearly!

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